AI-Powered Scouting Reports For Your Leads

Help your salespeople boost their conversion rates and save hours on research with the power of AI.

A Dossier is an AI-generated scouting report for a lead, uncovering insights that will help you convert the lead and make a sale. With LeadPrimer, you can generate a dossier for any lead in less than 5 minutes- it's customized to help your specific company close that particular lead.

What's in a Dossier?

LeadPrimer's AI will review large amounts of content about a particular lead from across the web in a matter of minutes. It will then pull out the facts that overlap with your business, and organize the most impactful information in our convenient Dossier template to make it easy to use while you're making sales calls or targeted e-mail pitches.

A Dossier for a lead contains information such as:

  • Key facts you should know about the lead
  • Unique aspects of the lead and news events that would help to pitch them
  • Traits that make the lead a good potential customer for your company
  • The best approach for your company to pitch the lead
  • Which of your company's offerings would be most appealing to the lead
  • The lead's major strategic priorities that are most relevant to you

...and lots more useful information designed to help you convert the lead!

Every Dossier contains these broad sections:

Summary of The Lead

Condenses thousands of pages of data across websites, news sources, and databases into an easily-digestible summary.

Best Way To Pitch The Lead

Includes suggestions on how best to approach pitching the lead, given what we know about the lead's priorities and your own company's offerings.

What Makes The Lead a Fit For Your Company

Includes information about what makes the lead a good fit for your company's offerings, how they might want to use your offerings, and what aspects of your company might be most appealing to the lead.

What can Dossiers do for my team?

If your company's sales team either does lots of research and prep work before each sales call, or they wish they could but don't have the time, Dossier can significantly improve the success of your sales team:

Major Time Savings

Dramatically reduce the time your salespeople spend on arduous pre-call research and prep work, and reduce the time needed to train your sales team on research techniques.

Less Wasted Opportunities

The AI that powers Dossiers helps make connections and advanced suggestions for your salespeople within a few minutes that might've taken hours to come up with through manual research. With a Dossier in hand, those otherwise difficult or non-fruitful sales calls can turn into successes.

Empower Your Salespeople

By reducing the time your sales team spends on doing manual research, you're allowing them to spend more time doing what they do best- build relationships and close deals.

Being prepared before a sales call or meeting makes the difference between closing a sale and getting a lukewarm reaction.

To dramatically improve your conversion rates, give your salespeople Dossiers before every important interaction they have with leads.

A Dossier is a powerful report that you can generate for any sales lead to give your salespeople the information they need to have the most effective sales interactions and dramatically improve conversion rates.

How long does it take to generate a Dossier for a Lead?

5 minutes.

Yes, you read that right. All it takes is the URL of the lead and 5 minutes. Our AI technology digests huge amounts of data in a few moments and does all the heavy lifting- no manual work needed on your end, just one click and you'll have your Dossier.

All your Dossiers are stored for easy search and viewing later, and you can share Dossiers with as many members of your organization as you'd like.

Search for Dossiers

What data is used to generate a Dossier?

Unlike generic company information databases, we leverage AI and a myriad of data sources to ensure each Dossier is highly-customized to your company and a particular sales lead. Our Dossiers are never generic and are tailored for use by your company, drawing on impactful information from:

Lead's Web Presence

Pulls information from the Lead's own website

Social Media

Pulls information from the Lead's social media accounts (including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)

News and Press Releases

Draws from thousands of reliable news sources, publications and industry trade resources

Dossier sources
Company Databases

Extracts relevant company information from major as well as more niche databases

Public Filings

Extracts information from any relevant public filings (e.g. SEC filings)

Other Proprietary Data Sources

Draws upon data sources that are exclusive to LeadPrimer

In every Dossier, the we provide the exact sources used so that you can feel confident when referencing the Dossier that it's based on a foundation of actual information about the lead company.

Only Pay For Dossiers You Generate

Fair, straightforward pricing. No fine print.

It's time to empower your sales team with AI

With Dossiers, you can save your sales team countless hours on prep work before calls, and equip them with the information they need to have much more successful sales interactions. Try generating Dossiers for some of your highest-potential leads today, and see how impactful they can be.

Get Dossiers For Your Leads