Whatever Your Needs, We Have a Plan That Fits
Free Trial
  • Includes 100 leads processed
~ OR ~
per month
For small teams and individuals
  • Includes 500 leads processed per month
  • Unlimited Score Formulas
  • Keyword Impact Analysis feature
  • Email Address Extraction for every Lead
  • ---
per month
For growing sales teams with an expanding lead universe
  • Includes 2000 leads processed per month
  • Unlimited Score Formulas
  • Keyword Impact Analysis feature
  • Email Address Extraction for every Lead
  • Social Links Extraction for every Lead
per month
For large teams processing lots of leads
  • Unlimited leads processed per month
  • Unlimited Score Formulas
  • Keyword Impact Analysis feature
  • Email Address Extraction for every Lead
  • Social Links Extraction for every Lead

In Case You Were Wondering
Any leads you provide whose websites are blocked from being crawled will not be counted towards your monthly lead count. If we can't process the lead, you won't be charged for it!

You'll be charged once a month- the first time being when you sign up, and then every 30 days after that.

Any number of people at your organization can use your LeadPrimer account, and you can create as many Lead Lists as you like. All that matters for billing is how many total leads your organization has processed each month.

Curious About Pricing For Our Dossier Product?
A Dossier for a lead contains information such as:
  • Key facts you should know about the lead
  • Unique aspects about the lead that are helpful to know when pitching them
  • Things that make the lead particularly well-suited to your offerings (including recent news events)
  • The best approach for your company to pitch the lead
  • Which of your company's offerings would be most appealing to the lead
  • The lead's major strategic priorities that are most relevant to you
  • ...and lots more useful information designed to help you convert the lead!